mdata <- read.csv('http://data.galaxystatistics.com/blog_data/regression/TravelMode.csv',header=T)
## individual mode choice wait vcost travel gcost income size
## 1 1 air no 69 59 100 70 35 1
## 2 1 train no 34 31 372 71 35 1
## 3 1 bus no 35 25 417 70 35 1
## 4 1 car yes 0 10 180 30 35 1
## 5 2 air no 64 58 68 68 30 2
## 6 2 train no 44 31 354 84 30 2
TravelMode <- mdata[-1]
mdata <- read.csv('http://data.galaxystatistics.com/blog_data/regression/TravelMode.csv',header=T)
# head(mdata)
TravelMode <- mdata[-1]
TravelMode$avincome <- with(TravelMode, income*(mode=='air'))
TravelMode$time <- with(TravelMode, travel + wait)/60
TravelMode$timeair <- with(TravelMode, time*I(mode=='air'))
TravelMode$income <- with(TravelMode, income/10)
TravelMode$incomeother <- with(TravelMode, ifelse(mode %in% c('air','car'), income, 0))
## [1] 840 12
## mode choice wait vcost travel gcost income size avincome time
## 1 air no 69 59 100 70 3.5 1 35 2.816667
## 2 train no 34 31 372 71 3.5 1 0 6.766667
## 3 bus no 35 25 417 70 3.5 1 0 7.533333
## 4 car yes 0 10 180 30 3.5 1 0 3.000000
## 5 air no 64 58 68 68 3.0 2 30 2.200000
## 6 train no 44 31 354 84 3.0 2 0 6.633333
## timeair incomeother
## 1 2.816666.... 3.5
## 2 0 0.0
## 3 0 0.0
## 4 0 3.5
## 5 2.2 3.0
## 6 0 0.0
## [1] "data.frame"
## [1] "list"
## [1] "list"
nl <- mlogit(choice ~ gcost + wait + incomeother, TravelMode, shape='long', alt.var='mode', nests=list(public=c('train','bus'), other=c('car','air')))
## Call:
## mlogit(formula = choice ~ gcost + wait + incomeother, data = TravelMode,
## nests = list(public = c("train", "bus"), other = c("car",
## "air")), shape = "long", alt.var = "mode")
## Frequencies of alternatives:
## air bus car train
## 0.27619 0.14286 0.28095 0.30000
## bfgs method
## 12 iterations, 0h:0m:0s
## g'(-H)^-1g = 1.14E-07
## gradient close to zero
## Coefficients :
## Estimate Std. Error t-value Pr(>|t|)
## bus:(intercept) -0.7735521 0.8089799 -0.9562 0.3389677
## car:(intercept) -6.1536851 1.1783823 -5.2221 1.769e-07 ***
## train:(intercept) 0.0056402 0.6363849 0.0089 0.9929285
## gcost -0.0195488 0.0060331 -3.2402 0.0011943 **
## wait -0.1064623 0.0205635 -5.1773 2.252e-07 ***
## incomeother 0.4256608 0.1131906 3.7606 0.0001695 ***
## iv.public 0.9694958 0.3047966 3.1808 0.0014687 **
## iv.other 1.7244022 0.5186970 3.3245 0.0008858 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Log-Likelihood: -188.43
## McFadden R^2: 0.33594
## Likelihood ratio test : chisq = 190.65 (p.value = < 2.22e-16)